1. User Interface and Basic Operation
- Discover the REVIT environment and setting, the skill of navigating and operating in BIM system.
2. Overview of MEP Settings – 1
- Recognise the HVAC system.
3. Overview of MEP Settings – 2
- Recognise the plumbing and FS systems.
4. Overview of MEP Settings – 3
- Recognise the electrical system.
5. View and Documentation
- Create views and compose schedules from BIM model and set up drawing sheets.
6. Collaboration
- Appraise the multi-discipline coordination and work sharing system in BIM.
7. Introduction of EMSD BIM-AM system
- Understand the EMSD BIM-AM standards and guidelines.
8. EMSD Standardised MEP Asset Data
- Examine and manage the asset information.
9. Interfacing/ Integrating BIM[1]AM System with other systems – 1
- Practice on Verification of BIM Models.
10. Interfacing/ Integrating BIM[1]AM System with other systems – 2
- Practice on BIM-AM System with RFID.
11. Overview of Families
- Differentiate the REVIT families and manage shared parameters.
12. Introduction of BIM-AM system operation
- Implement the EMSD BIM-AM System.
13. Summary
14. Assessment
(i) 不少于1年建造或机电工程经验;或
(ii) 拥有与建造/建筑/结构工程/机械/电机工程/工料测量或任何与建造业相关学科的高级文凭或以上学历;或
(iii) 属机电工程署技术员训练计划的学员。
结业证书 – 出席课程21小时或以上及考试合格